Best 125 Road Legal Dirt Bike (May, 2024)

Updated on December 1, 2022

There are a lot of things to consider when purchasing a dirt bike for a youth rider. The most important factor is finding a bike that fits the rider’s skill level and riding style.

In this article, we will give you our top 3 picks for the best beginner youth dirt bikes. We will also provide a buyer’s guide to help you make an informed decision when purchasing a dirt bike for your child.

Best Beginner Youth Dirt Bike

You need to consider when buying a dirt bike for a youth rider is the skill level of the rider. If the rider is a beginner, then you will want to look for a bike that is easy to control and has features that make it easier to ride. 

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Some of these features include an automatic clutch, electric start, and larger wheels. If the rider is more experienced, then you can look for a bike that is more powerful and has features that allow the rider to go faster and perform more advanced tricks.

Motocross is an adrenaline-fueled, one of a kind motorsport that has been around since the early 1900s. The feeling you get when launching yourself off your dirt bike and flying through air alternating every inch on impact with terrain makes this type unique in its awesomeness! 

But if it seems too tough for beginners to learn how to navigate moto vlog footage into amazing races across different tracks then they should take heart because there are several ways anyone can get started from simply exploring their local area or going online with video editing software like Final Cut Pro.

So you want to get into biking? Well, good for you! It’s never been easier. These days there are a lot of bikes out on the market and they don’t all cost an arm and leg like they used to (though some will). So without further ado here is my listicle about just what kind or someone looking at buying their first set-up:

Best Beginner Youth Dirt Bike

1. KTM 250 SX-F

If you’re looking to jump straight onto the start line, there is no better bike than this KTM 250 SX-F. It has been winning awards and championships for years! With eight out of nine MX2 world titles under its belt (and those are just in recent memory), it would be hard not to find a reason why so many people love owning one – myself included.

The KTM 250 SX-F is a great choice for those who want to enjoy their time on the water without spending too much. You can find pre-2012 models starting under £3k, while 2012 onwards will cost you less than 5 grand! With its powerful engine and easy handling characteristics this machine really cooks up pace – so don’t be afraid if it isn’t exactly beginner friendly at first glance because after all we’re riding bikes here not boats right?

The best part about these awesome bikes: they last long enough (sometimes even past their resale value) that you can learn from them, make mistakes and not have to worry about breaking the bank.

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What’s good about it?

The KTM 250 SX-F is one of, if not the most, powerful bikes in its class. It boasts an impressive 48hp engine which is a lot for a bike that only weighs 103kg (dry).

Although it’s powerful, the KTM 250 SX-F is still very manageable for beginner riders.

It comes standard with an electric start which is a lifesaver (literally) when you’re out on the track.

The KTM 250 SX-F also has some pretty cool tech features like launch control and map select which allows you to tailor the bike’s power delivery to your riding style.

2. Yamaha YZ125

The Yamaha YZ125 is a two-stroke machine perfect for those just getting started in the sport. This bike has been known to be insanely reliable thanks to its awesome build quality and great handling.

YZ125 is the perfect bike for someone who wants to have fun and be safe at the same time. Its suspension makes it an excellent choice, as does its great handling capabilities!

The YZ125 is one of the best bikes for having fun on. It has great suspension that makes it feel like you’re not even holding onto anything, and with its lightweight engine this will always be an enjoyable experience!

The output should sound more enthusiastic than just stating facts About Mighty exclusion zone 125. As a motocross fan myself I wanted to know if they were faster or had better handling so I took a look.

Yamaha has not made any major changes to this machine in over ten years, but it’s still one of the best electric dirt bikes available. You can find a 2005+ model YZ125 for under £2k!

3. Honda CRF450R

Super powerful, great build quality and reliability! The Honda CRF450R is a bike that will not disappoint when it comes to raw power. It has been proven time after again by its reputation as one of the most reliable bikes on earth – so if you are looking for an MX2 machine with sheer might in spades then look no further than this bad boy from America’s finest manufacturer.

Honda’s new CRF250L model has been a huge hit with riders, thanks to its incredible power and torque. The twin-pipes add even more feels into the equation so you can really take control of your ride!

From 2013 through 2017 there were many changes made on this bike including upgrades from air forks all the way up until recent modifications that have come about recently in last quarter alone; these.

Her powerful yet easy to ride engine makes the CRF450R an excellent choice for beginners who want something with tons of oomph. You can expect prices starting at around £3k, depending on when it was made!

4. KTM 150 SX

The KTM 150 SX is the perfect dual-sport machine. It combines a light, powerful engine with all of its hill climbing prowess to make for an unbeatable ride off road or on tight trails that aren’t easily accessible by other motorcycles – no matter how much power they might have in their EXC smokers!

The 125 feels like an old friend after all these years, with its lightweight and torquey nature. It’s really satisfying to ride one up hills or on twisty back roads where you can feel the engine pulling at your legs telling you that it has more torque than any other bike in this class

The new Yamaha MT-07 feels very much alive under me as if nothing had changed since last year when we first came across each other during testing phases . The power delivery is smoother but still provides plenty of adrenaline pumping excitement through my veins which makes every journey so much fun!

When you get on a 150 SX, the grin will not leave your face. A new 2009 model costs about £2k or if it’s time for an upgrade there are some really nice pre-owned models out right now that can be had at around 6 grand!

5. Honda CR250

I never would have thought that Honda would stop producing a bike, but they did. The CR250 was an amazing two-stroke dirt bike from 2007 and it still has a spot in the hall of fame!

This is a bike that was way ahead of its time. It had a liquid-cooled engine, an aluminum frame, and adjustable suspension. The CR250 was also one of the first bikes to come with a handguard as standard equipment.

The CR250 is a two-stroke machine that could be the last of its kind. It has an almost legendary status, and those who own it can expect to make money from their motorcycles as they go up in value over time – if you find yourself with one or more bikes then this might just end being your cheapest way into Motocross!

If you want to have an amazing time on a bike, but don’t know where or how much it would cost – look no further than these awesome bikes! They come with great power and provide riders of all levels an incredible experience. The models from 2001-2007 will be your best bet if finding one in good condition; they can go anywhere between £2k upwards depending upon faults/repair needs etc.

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The best beginner youth dirt bike is the one that fits the rider properly and has features that make learning to ride easy. Some beginner dirt bikes have training wheels or an electric starter to help with learning how to ride.

There are also some 4-stroke models that have automatic transmissions which can be helpful for beginners. When choosing a beginner youth dirt bike, it is important to consider the child’s skill level and what they are hoping to accomplish with their riding.

There are many different types and models of beginner dirt bikes available on the market, so it is important to do some research to find the best one for the child.